Monday, February 1, 2010

Let's get one thing straight....

Actually, it seems like there are a lot of things we need to get straight on this boat.

Progress on the first hull continues.... Yesterday we put in a good afternoon filleting and taping almost all of the frames.  At the end of the day there was some question as to whether things looked straight when looking from the stern towards the bow.  However, the hull was covered with various clamps, blocks, and other junk, so it was hard to tell if it was those things that were wonky or the hull itself.  Today I stopped by and grabbed a few pictures, and it looks pretty straight to me.  It's almost like we know what we're doing...

If you're saying to yourself, "that companionway looks kinda small", you're not the only one.  We've decided to go the route that Kevin went on Pipe Dream and trim back the cockpit sides up towards the companionway.  Not only will it make it easier to hike out further forward in the cockpit, but we'll be able to put in a decently sized companionway so we won't need to hire boat gnomes to go down below for us.

Here are a few more shots.  It's starting to look pretty good, I think.



All in all, the frames have been fitting in pretty well.  We're finding that they're a little proud of the sheer, but not enough to make us worry too much.  Considering the construction technique, this isn't too much of a surprise.  A batten, a hand-held jigsaw, and power planer will do wonders to coerce them to do what we want them to do.

We're also learning what a true joy it is to work with large amounts of epoxy resin.  The sole of the hull looks like we were visited by the Blair witch...


Here's a shot from the Blair Witch Project for comparison.  Kinda scary...

Coming up next are stringers, bunks, and some interesting skunkworks-type projects at the bow.  Details to follow soon...

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